Executive Partners

Richard Linares, Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Charles Stark Draper Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Warren Dixon, Ph.D.
University of Florida – Newton C. Ebaugh Professor

Rongjun Qin, Ph.D.
Ohio State University – Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Richard Linares, Ph.D
Richard Linares, Ph.D
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Charles Stark Draper Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Research Areas
- Astrodynamics,
- Space Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Management,
- Satellite Guidance and Navigation,
- Estimation and Controls,
- Reinforcement Learning,
- Optimal Control.
Awards & Recognition
- AFOSR Young Investigator Research Program Award, 2018
- Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2013
- Vela Fellowship, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2012
- Space Scholar, United States Air Force Research Laboratory, 2010 and 2011
- Nasa Space Grant Research Fellowship, 2010
Warren Dixon, Ph.D.
Warren Dixon, Ph.D.
University of Florida – Newton C. Ebaugh Professor
Research Areas
- Aerospace and Maritime Systems,
- Assured Autonomy,
- Bionics,
- Image Feedback,
- Network Systems,
- Robotics.
Awards & Recognition
- IEEE Control Systems Technology Award, 2019
- University of Florida College of Engineering Doctoral Dissertation Mentoring Award, 2017-2018 & 2012-2013
- American Automatic Control Council (AACC) O. Hugo Schuck Award, 2015 & 2009
- Fred Ellersick Award for Best Overall MILCOM Paper, 2013
- ASME Dynamics Systems and Control Division Outstanding Young Investigator Award, 2011
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Early Academic Career Award, 2006
- NSF CAREER Award (2006-2011)
Rongjun Qin, Ph.D
Rongjun Qin, Ph.D
Ohio State University – Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Areas
- Smart Cities and Urban Sustainability,
- 3D/4D Modeling,
- Computer Vision and Image Processing,
- Data Acquisition,
- Remote Sensing.
Bid Data for Good: Eye in the Sky
Awards and Recognition
- Winner of IEEE Data Fusion Contest, 2019 and 2020
- Lumley Research Award, 2020
- International Conference on Geoinformatics Best Student Paper Award
- Planet Kaggle Deep Learning Challenge Bronze Medal (Supervising Master Students)
- Winner of IARPA 3D Mapping Challenge

Ashwin Dani, Ph.D.
University of Connecticut – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Yasutaka Furukawa, Ph.D.
Simon Fraser University, Department of Computer Science

Kyung Ho Lee, Ph.D.
Korea University, Department of Information Security
Ashwin Dani, Ph.D.
Ashwin Dani, Ph.D.
University of Connecticut – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Areas
- Human-Robot Collaboration,
- Unmanned Aerial System,
- Sensor Data Fusion,
- Estimation and Control.
Awards and Recognition
- AAUP-UConn Teaching Innovation Award, 2018
- ISIF FUSION Conference Best Student Paper Award, 2016
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference Best Student Paper Award
- Innovation Inventor’s Award University of Florida, 2013
Yasutaka Furukawa, Ph.D.
Yasutaka Furukawa, Ph.D.
Simon Fraser University, Department of Computer Science
He has spent about 24 years on the area of network and system security. He served as a government R&D Program Director of information security in MKE during 2009 –2010. He has leaded a Security Research Center funded by MSIP during 6 years since 2012. He has developed the A-Pot, which is an android malware analysis tool. Currently, he is a president of Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology.
Research Areas and Interests
- Network and System Security,
- AI Security,
- Mobile Security,
- Android security.
Kyung Ho Lee, Ph.D.
Kyung Ho Lee, Ph.D.
Korea University, Department of Information Security
Research Interest
- Risk Management
- Information Security
- Internet of Things
- Blockchain Technology
- Privacy Policy
Awards and Certification
- Ministerial Citation from the Minister of Information and Communication
- Ministerial Citation from the Minister of the Interior and Safety
- BS7799LA, BS25999LAA

Sudeep Sarkar, Ph.D.
University of South Florida, Department Chair, Computer Science and Engineering

Jie Shan, Ph.D
Purdue University, Professor, Lyles School of Civil Engineering

Souhwan Jung, Ph.D
Soongsil University, Professor, School of Electronic Engineering
Sudeep Sarkar, Ph.D.
Sudeep Sarkar, Ph.D.
University of South Florida, Department Chair, Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interest
- Computer Vision
- Pattern Recognition
- Advanced Data Structure
- Image-based Biometrics
- Medical Imaging
- Computational Geometry
Awards and Recognition
- Best Scientific Paper Award at International Conference on Pattern Recognition (2014)
- Theodore and Venette Askounes-Ashford Distinguished Scholar Award (2004)
- Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award (1998)
- USF Teaching Incentive Program Award for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence (1997)
- Charter member of the National Academy of Inventors,
- National Science Foundation CAREER award (1995)
- IEEE Fellow
- APR Fellow
- AAAS Fellow
- AIMBE Fellow
Jie Shan, Ph.D
Jie Shan, Ph.D
Purdue University, Professor, Lyles School of Civil Engineering
Research Areas
- Photogrammetry and computer vision
- Image-based geo-positioning and localization
- Point cloud processing and understanding
- Laser altimetry/scanning and global mapping
- Extraterrestrial mapping Â
- Urban disaster mapping and resilience
- Geospatial data analytics and geo-social data mining
- 3D geographic information systems
 Awards & Recognition
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship
- Esri Best Paper Award (First Place), American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Fairchild Photogrammetric Award, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- The Talbert Abrams Grand Award, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Best Paper Award, IEEE/ISPRS Workshop
- Fellow, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Souhwan Jung, Ph.D
Souhwan Jung
Soongsil University, Professor, School of Electronic Engineering
Research Areas/Interests
- Network and System Security,
- Information Security,
- A-Pot,
- Malware Analysis,
- Cryptology,
- AI Security,
- Mobile Security,Â
- Android Security.
Awards & Recognition
- Served as a government R&D Program Director of information security in MKE during 2009 –2010.
- Leaded a Security Research Center funded by MSIP during 6 years since 2012.
- Developed the A-Pot, which is an android malware analysis tool.